solo ads for weight loss niche

Solo Ads For Weight Loss Niche- Best Traffic Method?

Solo Ads For Weight Loss Niche


Have you ever tried solo ads for weight loss niche?

Do you have a weight-loss niche?

If you said yes you definitely need traffic because without traffic you can’t make any money.

I use solo ads for a weight-loss niche.

Because they are affordable and you can gain new leads that can later turn into customers.

You can watch the video above to see how this works.

Then continuing to learn more about why I like to use solo ads to get instant targeted traffic.

I like to use solo ads because I have a good return on my investment.

The traffic varies on who you choose to run your solo ads so make sure to choose wisely.

The traffic source I’m going to tell you about is using the services provided by Udimi.

If you are new to using solo ads don’t worry.

It’s a very straight forward and easy process even if it’s your first time.

You can start your first ad by going to Udimi here.

You just have to take action and you can begin immediately.

solo ads for weight loss niche

What Are Solo Ads?

If you haven’t heard of solo ads let me tell you what they are.

Solo ads are email advertisements.

You have probably received emails with offers before not knowing that it could’ve come from a solo ad.

Select the list that matches your offer or service.

Then choose how many emails you would like to send out.

The email list owner will then send an email on your behalf to someone on their email list you can purchase email in quantities are usually 100 to 1000 emails.

The solo ad subscribers get to click on the offer you are selling and these clicks will turn into leads that you can convert into sales.

The reason I choose solo ads because they’re usually cheaper than using other forms of advertising such as Facebook or Google.

The only drawback I can think of is that some of the email list providers grow their list through various techniques that could be sketchy.

And for that reason sometimes traffic will not convert.

That is why I only purchase no more than 50 to 100 for the first time.

This is the test order.

You also need to be aware that sometimes they can send fake bot clicks to you.

Solo ads are not good for every market or niche.

Some of the best products to promote using solo ads are in fitness and the make money online niche.

And another niche is affiliate marketing this usually does well with solo ads too.

So far the best site I found for solo ads is Udimi.

Udimi - Buy Solo Ads

What Is UDIMI?

When I first started online marketing one of the first traffic sources I used was solo ads through udimi.

This website is free to register and very easy and fast to get started.

All you do is search through the list of sellers click on their link and you can find everything you need to know before making a selection.

First, click on the link where you find a listing of solo ad suppliers.

You will notice the filter bar this is to help you make an informed selection.

The solo ad sellers get rated by you after they have completed their service.

so overtime a vendor will collect numerous positive or negative ratings and you can see this on the toolbar.

When you have a look at each seller profile you can decide for yourself if the positive or negative ratings are going to affect your decision to purchase from them or not.

As for me, I like to choose vendor that have at least 80 to 100 positive ratings.

You should also know that the price per click varies from one vendor to another.

They can vary in price from as low as only $.35 on up to .95 per click.

Choosing the lowest price isn’t necessarily better.

I’ve found when it comes to solo ads you get what you pay for.

That being said I choose vendors that are somewhere in the mid-range $.45-$.70 per click.

solo ads for weight loss niche

Pros and Cons with Solo Ads


  • Ease-of-use
  • Affordable
  • Discounts are sometimes available
  • You can get over delivery of clicks


  • You have to pay extra for more sophisticated filtering
  • The online market percentage of buyers is not always accurate.

solo ads for weight loss niche


Now you can get started using solo ads for weight loss niche.

Remember to order small and test the traffic.

If it’s good you can scale up and place a larger order next time.

Cheapest traffic is always better.

In fact, if you spend more you can usually get better quality.

If you know of anyone that is interested in solo ads for weight loss niche.

Please share this article.

And for more posts like this one on solo ads for weight loss niche.

Please check out my others below: