clickfunnels google tag manager

Clickfunnels Google Tag Manager- Simple Steps That Are Effective

Clickfunnels Google Tag Manager


Do you need to quickly learn Clickfunnels Google tag manager?

If you are a new user to Clickfunnels there is a lot you will need to learn.

And if you don’t have a Clickfunnels account you can get it free for 14 days here.

Clickfunnels Google tag manager is a very useful tool that you should know.

You won’t have to be a computer expert to use this tool either.

With that being said read on to get started.

clickfunnels google tag manager

Create Your Google Account

The first thing you will need to do is create a Google tag manager account.

It’s Free to create your account and you will need it to continue the steps here.

If you don’t have a Google tag manager account.

You can set one up in a few minutes by going to the Google page here.

Once you have finished creating your account.

Follow the remaining simple steps below.

GTM Pixel Code Installation

Clickfunnels Google tag manager steps.

Follow the five simple steps below:

#1. Sign in to Google tag manager

#2. Click on the website name

#3. Click on admin

#4. Install Google Tag Manager

#5. You should now see the two parts of the code. This is the pixel code that you need.

clickfunnels google tag manager

Install Clickfunnels Google Tag Manager Codes

Now follow the easy steps with your Clickfunnels account below:

#1. Sign Into Clickfunnels

#2. Go to submenu option and click on it

#3. Select the funnel you wish to install

#4. Click on settings

#5. Copy and paste the head section of the pixel code in the (head tracking code) section

#6. Copy and paste the body section of the pixel code. Located in the (body tracking code) section

#7. The last step scroll to the bottom of the page and save your funnel.

You have just installed your Google tag manager.

Do you have more than one funnel?

No problem, just repeat the following steps with each funnel.

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If you do, please share this article with them.

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