email specialist

Email Specialist – 3 Top Tips That Will Enhance Your Email Marketing

Email specialist tips you can use to immediately boost your business. Did you know that there are 3.8 Billion people that use email today according to the story posted in lifewire.

That’s a lot of potential customers that you are most likely missing out on. Unlike social media marketing, you are not reliant on a third party to pass on your message and you won’t lose all your hard work if your members decide to delete their account. This is an important factor.

email specialist marketing will help you to convert your readers far more efficiently than any other form of marketing and the simple reason for this is that email marketing is much more personal.

You want these messages to end up right in your visitors’ inboxes – just as though they were messages from a friend or relative. So it’s always good to make them feel personal.

So in order to do email marketing right, there are a lot of things you need to keep in mind. Read on for some of the most important pointers that you can start using immediately.

email specialist

Top 3 Tips To Become An Email Specialist

Here are the top three tips to help you become an email specialist:

You Should Be Personal

You should make sure that your emails are personal in tone. Your email marketing is more personal in tone – and you thus need to match that tone in your writing if you are going to make your emails more engaging and interesting. Always keep that in your mind when crafting an email.

This will help you to get past not only the spam filter more efficiently but also the ‘social’ and ‘marketing’ email boxes found on Outlook and Gmail allowing you to have better open rates.

Email specialist will use the recipient’s name (most autoresponders include this feature) and make sure that your messages use a regular letter-type structure. So if you aren’t doing this start today and improve your email marketing easily.

Keep Your List and Target

Your ‘Sender Reputation’ is a score that is linked with your IP address and/or domain in much the same way that a credit score can be linked with a particular account.

This will be the sender reputation that will reflect the quality of your emails on a whole and whether or not you should be allowed to ‘get through’ to your readers which you of course want.

You should be aware that there are many things that will cause you to get a bad score. One of these things is your bounce rate and if lots of your emails bounce, this can badly affect your score.

And another thing is your open rate and if none of your emails get opened, this too will hurt you. The same goes for complaints of course that you want to try and avoid.

So that means you need to focus on the quality of your list more than the size. If people are not responding it’s better to just get rid of them.

And these people who really read your blog and who really asked to be heard? It’s why you must never buy contacts. Likewise, if you have people who never open your messages – delete them!

Email specialist knows this upfront and makes sure to check emails with spam checker like the ones you have access to on getresponse.

email specialist

Use The Right Lead Magnet

Creating an incentive is a free gift like an ebook or report that you give away to new subscribers. This is a great tool for encouraging people to sign up but it’s important to be very careful when using it.

The reason for this is that the wrong incentive can actually harm your mailing list. If it’s too valuable for instance then people will sign up only to get the free gift and then never open your messages subsequently.

You definitely don’t want that and if this has happened to you try a video course or pdf that has valuable content that you can give more of over the course of your emails.

Watch for more helpful tips in the video below:


There you have it, three tips to become an email specialist. It’s not rocket science but it does take a strategic mind to make sure your emails get opened as much as possible by people that are interested in what you have to offer.

Don’t go too expensive or too cheap on your lead magnet. Either one can be bad for your reputation. And make your emails personal to improve your open rates.

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