ezmob review

EZMob Review (2023)

Ezmob review is for anyone searching for a way to get web traffic to their links or website.

In 2013, the ad network began.

The self-serve programmatic ad network EZmob is ideal for performance marketers, affiliate marketers, and media buyers.

As expected, EZmob offers a lot of mobile traffic, but they also provide 65/35 desktop traffic for you to boost your desktop or mobile advertising. Your campaign may need to target in-app and mobile web visitors.

Self-Serve Ad Network

It has over 80,000 publishers across 160 countries. A single self-serve client interface and managed accounts team allow EZmob to provide many mobile ad formats, traffic sources (including direct publishers and premium 3rd party traffic), and platforms.

ezmob review

Features of advertisers include:

Ad campaigns: popunder, traditional push, in-page push, native, and banner.
Targeting features for affiliate marketing.
Detailed real-time reporting interface.
Automated conversion-targeting bidding.
Any targeting feature + whitelisting/BL + IP + Audience optimization.
Premium Chat, Email, and Ticket Desk Assistance
Deposit via PayPal, Wire Transfer, 3DS Credit Card, Paxum, Payoneer, WebMoney, Bitcoin, and Capitalist.
Managed accounts are available to appropriate customers.
Display & Native: 1B daily requests

Pop: 2B daily requests

Push: 10 million direct and 100 million syndicated subscribers

In-Page Push (Floating Push): A popular banner type that replicates Push advertisements

ezmob review

Media buyers and affiliates may find the most competitive and converting targeting combinations in EZmob’s Combos report. Each targeting combination (‘combo’) suggests bids and impressions by Country, ad type, and ad vertical.

The amazing thing is that when you purchase traffic with EZmob DSP, you can bet on quality traffic, The people at EZmob DSP put their inventory through rigorous traffic screening and monitoring methods that make sure advertisers get nothing but human traffic.

Thus, your audience will be more engaged with your offerings.

EZmob uses Adkernel’s ad server, Botman and FraudScore for pop and push inventory, and Pixelate for display inventory, in addition to their unique software and ad tech.

These top industry services screen bot traffic and purchase quality traffic. Other big ad networks utilize the same software.

Self-Serve Ad Network

This is the key reason your campaigns generate high-converting visitors and no unintentional clicks.

Let’s utilize EZmob to find high-quality traffic sources for high-performing ad campaigns and a higher ROI.

True to tradition, EZmob simplifies!

Simply click the website’s Advertiser Registration link to begin.

After filling out the form, click Register and check your email for a verification code.

Logging in takes you to the EZmob dashboard immediately.

Ready to start? CLICK HERE

ezmob review

Get Started with EZmob’s Advertiser Dashboard
ezmob dashboard

A fresh, easy-to-use UI makes the EZmob dashboard attractive.

Key tabs to learn are:

Summary: Funds, Profile, Campaign Management
HelpDesk and Online Chat are featured on the dash.

Fill out the Profile with your name, city, street address, Skype, business name, company website, business description, and country, then click Save.

Your tracker’s Postback URL is included under the Profile tab. This includes your Click and Advertiser IDs. Most major trackers, like Voluum and BeMob, interface with EZmob.

Check the help files for instructions on setting this up with your tracker.

Use macros with your tracking URL to improve traffic afterward.

Funding Your Account
Some payment options offer modest costs for adding money to your account.

The dashboard accepts PayPal, Paxum, Bluesnap, and Credit Card deposits of $100 or more. Support will provide you with the address for additional deposits.

Self-Serve Ad Network

Your balance is shown on the Funds page, Campaigns interface, and main dashboard.

Making a Campaign

The Campaign and Reporting interface is another nice feature of the new design.

This lets you develop campaigns in several ad formats and includes powerful targeting options to help them succeed.

Five options appear on the Campaign page. Designing an ezmob campaign

Native, Push, Floating Push, Popunder, and Display.

Create Native, Push, Floating Push, Popunder, Display, All Campaigns, and creatives.

Grab your referral link.

Domain, IP, and Global feed Blacklist settings.

Picking the campaign type

Click to start a Push advertising campaign.

Give your campaign a clear name, then set a budget and constraints.

Start a new ezmob push campaign

If you’ve developed campaigns on other ad networks, this should be easy.

Self-Serve Ad Network

CPC and CPM cost models are used by EZmob, which offers VIP-managed marketing services.

These procedures are for marketers who want to customize their campaign settings. In particular, the direct chat was beneficial.

Ad Formats
From the Campaigns menu, EZmob offers 6 ad formats:

Native: Classic Push Ads
In-page push ads
Popup or display
The famous Floating Push ad type may be new to you, but others may be familiar.

The most typical banner sizes for desktop and in-app display visitors are 300X250 and 300X50, respectively, however, informing the EZmob team of your targeting can help them alter inventory quickly.

Next, enter Location, Time, OS, User Agents, Carriers, and more.

ezmob review

Domain, IP, and Feed lists may be added to Traffic Quality and Analytics. Select whitelist or blacklist from the dropdown and add data.

To optimize budgets, advertisers may create complex automation rules, traffic quality filters, and bid optimizations.

You should keep this at default and filter traffic quality after you have enough test data in your account.

Next, utilize the new bid optimization function in conversion tracking. It will match the “Cost” and “Target Value” metrics in real-time.

Select a minimum number of clicks, conversions, or blacklists to utilize the default offer to collect enough data before smart bidding starts.

EZmob also advises restricting your first campaign bid when using this function.

After completing the task, upload your creatives.

Make a Push Ad by clicking.

Upload your primary picture and provide the title, description, and destination URL.

Make use of all EZmob macros.

ezmob macros

The Push Ads tab displays all your creatives.

Finish launching your campaign.

Self-Serve Ad Network

You can now see your campaign on the Campaigns page and modify, replicate, or examine the conversion tracking template using the Actions icons.

Affiliates like EZmob because of its high-quality traffic and media buying alternatives.

You may buy traffic from several sources, platforms, and formats through one interface.

Campaign settings let you alter global Domain, IP, and feed lists.

The support desk may provide the EZmob Daily Inventory for Push, Pop, and Banner inventory segregated by nation for the last 24 hours to assess traffic volume.

ezmob review

Banner inventory offers strong US and UK quantities.

Before planning your ads, examine this list or contact support to see if there are any more traffic possibilities with your preferred targeting.

You may add JavaScript banner codes to image advertising awaiting EZmob’s compliance team’s assessment.

Analytics & Reporting
EZmob’s granular display and XML inventory (push and pop) data let most campaigns succeed.

You may see reports and breakdowns by Date, Campaign, or Country to gain specific advertising and conversion statistics when a campaign is started. Optimizing campaigns is easy.

Self-Serve Ad Network

Summing Up Ezmob Review

This concludes the ezmob review.

EZmob is a versatile mobile and display ad network suitable for both beginners and experts.

They have lots of volume in the top GEOs and high-quality traffic for many common ad formats, making scaling simple.

Advertisers may purchase traffic at a cheap cost per click ($100).

You can start EZMOB now. CLICK HERE.

Get Started with EZmob Offers & Verticals
Banner, Pop, Native, Push, Floating Push.

Cost Model: CPC/CPM.

Push: AV, Cleaner, Crypto, Gamble, Bet, Sweepstakes, Date, Apps.

Apps, utilities, gambling, smartlinks, mobile content.

Investment: Start at a $100 minimum deposit.

The crew is accessible by email, HelpDesk, and EZmob chat on demand. For campaign assistance and budget optimization, contact them.

They provide great support.

You can use the Service Desk, Online Chat, Email, Skype, and Telegram.

EZ Mob Review Pros and Cons

EZmob Pros

Big or small media buyers should use EZmob to expedite purchasing traffic. As an experienced ad network, EZmob can be trusted to deliver. Many networks have come and gone, but EZmob is still here.

EZmob focuses on the most successful ad types provided by premium publishers, including Popunder, Push, Native, Banner, Floating Push Interstitials, and more.

Ezmob Cons

Due to the quantity of sources, you’ll observe several traffic sources participating in campaign delivery.

Act swiftly and incorporate conversion monitoring to locate the best sources for your campaign.

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