ra wealth partners review

RA Wealth Partners Review Do You Like HUGE Commissions?

RA wealth partners review is the topic for today.

If you are an investor you have probably been doing your research and have had someone mention RA wealth partners to you or seen them in a search result.

If you are interested in learning more about this company you will want to read all the way to the end. As you read on you will learn what is RA wealth partners, how it works, and much more.

RA wealth partners review

What Is RA Wealth Partners

RA Wealth Partners is owned by Tyler Gallagher.

It is for those that are investors or affiliate marketers.

Some of the ways you can invest are the following:

Investing in general, Precious Metals, Cryptocurrency, Trading, etc

As an affiliate marketer, you can earn large commissions such as the example given on their website showing a check for $90K.

Image from: RAWealthpartners.com
Image From: RAWealthpartners.com

There are amazing opportunities for both JV Partners or Affiliate Partner.

As a JV partner, you can start selling your own financial products through its proven ecosystem.

RA wealth partners review – How Does It Work?

There are two options when using their platform.

They are that you can use as a business owner in the alternative investment industry that is looking to expand your business further in this area.


As mentioned earlier as an affiliate marketer that is interested in promoting their services and products.

For Affiliate Marketers:

It is not easy to get approved for this program. Not everyone will get accepted, but don’t let that stop you from trying. This program is better geared for intermediate to advanced affiliates that have been around the block.

Although even as a beginner you can do well if you have a background in the financial markets and have ways to promote such as with current customers or through your Youtube Channel an example.

Here are some additional reasons to become an affiliate:

  • Huge Commissions
  • Free Mentor Program
  • Professional Creators
  • High Conversion Rates

For Business Partners:

Do you have an IRA-Eligible Product?

Then you might want to consider RA Wealth Partners for the reasons below:

  • Have your product promoted to a list of 200k+ Qualified Investors
  • Professional Support Team
  • Track Leads and Sales
  • Have access to Pro Brokers Floor

Tips for business owners:

One thing to keep in mind is that you will need a track record that is solid and an IRA-eligible product to gain approval.

RA wealth partners review has found that companies who fall into any of the categories below are already partnered, and continue to partner with Ra Wealth Partners:

  • Art
  • Real Estate
  • Wine, Whiskey, etc.
  • Startups
  • Private Equity
  • Alternative Stocks (Marijuana/Hemp)

RA Wealth Partners Review – How You Get Paid

You will receive payment through Paypal.

As you go through the application process you will have given this information ahead of time.

The commission structure is 5% which is an increase that recently took place.

Here is the affiliate payment structure below:

Qualified Leads: $30 – $100 Lead ( You get paid even if the lead does not invest )

Closed Deal: $5,000 – $14,999 = 1% of net investment

Closed Deal: $15,000 – $29,999 = 2% of net investment

Closed Deal: $30,000 – $99,999 = 3% of net investment

Closed Deal: $100,000+ = 5% of net investment

ra wealth partners review


RA wealth partners review also lead me to important ways to successfully promote as a partner. If you are interested in learning more about that leave me a comment below.

This is a legit and potentially lucrative affiliate program. If you are sick of small commission then you will want to join RA wealth partners.

And business owners can grow larger each year when they become a partner. So it’s a win-win for both partnerships.

If you are interested in investing with Regal Assets you can go to their official website here.

If you are interested in becoming an affiliate or business partner go to their official sign up page here.

This is a great company to be apart of and I would highly recommend it.

I hope you have enjoyed this RA wealth partner review.

Please share it and become a member of reviewitjunkie.com by going here.

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