self help websites

Self Help Websites- Amazing Resources For Marketers

Self Help Websites

If you are struggling with online marketing and looking for some ways to get help.

Try these self help websites.

I call them this because they can help you improve your online marketing business.

Some of the websites are free and some require a membership.

Either way, they are all websites I use on almost a daily basis.

And you probably should too.


Because you can improve your marketing research, gain new insights, and learn powerful ways to get an advantage over your competition.

All things that will help you grow your business online.

Do you have any websites that you recommend?

Leave your comments below…

Now onto the best self help websites.

self help websites

Best Websites To Help Online Marketers

If you have a business online you know there are many tools that are used.

In fact, you can learn more about digital marketing tools here.

As you read on you will learn of self help websites.

Below Are Five Websites For Online Marketers:

#1. UbersuggestThis is Neil Patel’s website. Most likely you have already heard of it or using it.

If you haven’t been using it you need to start…

… because it’s free to use and offers you a lot of valuable keywords.

This tool is widely used for its ability to help you with rankings, keyword ideas, traffic, and much more.

#2. KW Finder– Allows you to easily find profitable keywords. As well as Rank Tracking, SERP Analysis, Backlink Analysis, and much more.

You can do up to five searches daily for free.

Although I found this wasn’t enough and become a member of KW Finder.

I’ve found it to be very useful and it can be used for PPC as it shows you the average cost per click.

It’s like ubersuggest on steroids…

#3. Russell Brunson Affiliate Bootcamp – Yes, that Russell Brunson… If you have wanted to learn how to make money online.

This course from Russell Brunson is a good place to start.

It’s Free, but don’t even start if you don’t plan to finish the course.

The training is fast-paced so you need to give it your full attention.

And take the steps necessary to proceed through each day of training.

If you are interested you can start the boot camp here.

#4. Click Magick – This is an essential tool for most online marketers. Especially if you are going to be running ads.

This website helps you in many ways such as link cloaking, retargeting, bot filtering, and much more.

You can track and optimize your sales funnels.

And split test so you can be assured you have a winning campaign.

If you don’t have Click magick you can try it Free for 14 days here.

#5. Thrive Themes – If you have a blog or website you want one that converts the most visitors to leads and eventually customers.

That’s where Thrive Themes comes in…

… They offer affordable plans to help you create a beautiful yet highly converting website or blog.

It’s also designed for online marketers because they know what tools you will need to be successful.

You can learn more about Thrive Themes by going to their official website here.

self help websites

Additional Self Help For Marketers

As I mentioned earlier self help websites…

… are numerous and there are others to share with you here.

According to Entrepreneur, these are the tips you need to be successful online here.

It’s good advice that you can benefit from.

Below Is Additional Self Help For Marketer:

#1. Google – Use as many of the Free Tools That Google Offers.

Some of my favorite Google Tools Are Below:

  • Google docs
  • Google Sheets
  • Google Slides
  • Google Forms
  • Google Analytics

That’s just a small list of all the available and free tools you can get from Google.

#2. Social Media Platforms Use social media to your advantage.

Some of the best platforms for marketers are Facebook, Youtube, and Instagram.

All of these platforms get tons of daily traffic.

And you can use these resources to target your niche customers.

Then get targeted leads that are perfect for your offer or service.

So what are the best tools for online marketers?

Read on to learn which tools top internet marketers are using.

self help websites

Best Tools For Online Marketers

There are so many tools for online marketing today.

Honestly, a lot of them are junk.

I test them for you often.

And mostly review the ones I know are quality.

Sometimes a marketing tool is so bad I have to write about it too.

Below Are Some Of The Best Tools For Online Marketers:

#1. Facebook Page Insights – If you do Facebook marketing you need this.

It’s lets you see the behavior of your customers and it’s Free.

#2. Alexa – You will get deep analytics to help you compare yourself with your competitors.

Some of the features are still free, but to get the best use out if you will need a paid membership.

You can try it out for Free on their 7-day trial.

#3. BrowSEO – Enter your website URL and this tool will show you everything you wanted to know about your URL.

At this time it is still free to use.

#4. Canva – This is a marketer’s dream where you can create endless designs, ads, and promotional material.

And most of the access is free to use.

#5. Ahrefs – Amazing tool to help you understand SEO. It’s an all in one tool that can help you outrank your competitors.

At this time it will cost you from $79 to $2,500 per month.

Some users will buy it for a couple of months at a time.

It’s usually long enough to gather a ton of powerful information.

self help websites


So what is your favorite self help websites?

There are many others that I could list, but using the ones above will give you a lot of advantages for growing your business online as well as gaining valuable insights on your competition.

As I mentioned previously I use a lot of these marketing tools often some of them daily.

In some cases, it is worth it to get a paid membership so you have full access to everything the website offers.

If you know of someone that would be interested in self help websites.

Please share this post with them.

And grab our Free ebook here.