clickfunnels clone funnel

Clickfunnels Clone Funnel- Learn How In Easy Steps To Creating Sales Funnels Fast

Clickfunnels clone funnel

Are you looking for answers to Clickfunnels Clone Funnel?

That’s what you will find here as well as how to share and templates in Clickfunnels.

It’s much easy than you might think.

You will also have access to a Clickfunnels tutorial that will answer these questions.

If you want to watch the video now just scroll down.

As you might already know Clickfunnels is an essential tool for small business owners and marketers online.

It allows you to quickly and easily create sales funnels.

Sales funnels are a series of webpages that get visitors into your funnel and guide them through to your offer or service.

If you don’t have a Clickfunnels account you can get one here and try it out for Free for the next 14 days by going to the official Clickfunnels website here.

Ok now on to the clickfunnels clone funnel.

clickfunnels clone funnel

Why Clone Funnels In ClickFunnels?

There are several times you may need to clone your funnels.

And with Clickfunnels they make it easy.

You will find out how easy shortly.

One reason you may want to clone a funnel is that you have created one that is converting at a high level.

That one is a keeper and you just might want to clone it.

As you might have already found out creating a funnel that is perfect can take a lot of trial and error.

You can spend a lot of time split testing and that takes away from what you really want to do…

… and that is converting more of your offers into paying customers.

The share feature with Clickfunnels makes it as easy as a click to share your funnels.

Another cool thing you can do with your Clickfunnels membership is give away a funnel as a reward for a contest.

All you have to do is clone that funnel and it’s ready for you to do with what you will.

And you can also clone your funnel and sell it which is a popular reason for wanting to clone a funnel in Clickfunnels.

clickfunnels clone funnel

How to Clone Funnels in ClickFunnels

There are some cool features with Clickfunnels that allows you to clone all or part of your funnel.

First, we will look at how to duplicate a full-funnel below:

#1. Go To Your Dashboard In Clickfunnels

#2. Locate The Funnels Button And Click On It

#3. Now Your List Of Funnels With Appear. Click On The Name Of The Funnel You Want To Duplicate.

#4. Now Go To The Settings Button And Click On It. (Located At Top Menu)

#5. Your Options Will Show “Share Funnel” or “Clone Funnel” Select Clone Funnel

#6. You Can Now Edit The Funnel If You Wish

#7. The Share Funnel Feature Will Create A Link For You To Distribute To Your Desired List

As you can see this entire process only takes a few clicks … Fast, Simple, And Intuitive

If you want to just duplicate a funnel we will cover that next.

Follow The Steps Below:

#1. First Click On The Funnel You Want To Duplicate. ( Steps Of Your Funnel Are Displayed On The Left Side Of Your Funnel)

#2. Now Just Select The Step You Want To Duplicate. Click “Clone Funnel Step”

#3. Check The Bottom Of Your Funnel Menu “Other Funnel Steps”

Now You Can Select It And “Add To Funnel”

#4. Go To Settings Menu And Click “General”

#5. Click “Save Page As A Template”

#6. Now You Can Choose A Name For Your Template Click Create Template To Complete.

If you would rather just watch a video then you can do so below.

And learn how to share and create templates too.

Watch The Clickfunnels Tutorial Below:

Click Here To Get Your ClickFunnels 14 Day Free Trial Today

My Experience With ClickFunnels

If you are new to the world of online marketing you might not have very much experience with sales funnels.

Although they are very common using them as a tool online is relatively new.

My experience with Clickfunnels started two years ago.

At first, I didn’t know what to think of it.

Meaning I was brand new to using funnels and I wasn’t sure it was going to be necessary for me or my business.

I thought at the very least I’d get the Clickfunnels Free Trial Offer.

Then I could find out for Free if this was going to be a tool I’d need to use without paying for it right away.

After the 14 days was up I still needed more time to decide if I’d really want to keep Clickfunnels long term.

You see the first week is usually going to give you enough time to explore the features and benefits of Clickfunnels.

Then the rest of your time you may want to test out your funnels.

I found that I needed more time so I decided to become a paid member.

After a few months, I actually canceled my membership.

That’s when I found out that I used Clcikfunnels more than I thought I did.

It’s much easier to create a sales funnel using their product than it was to attempt to do the same thing with a page builder.

And when promoting offers Clickfunnels is a perfect tool.

So, decided to get and this time keep my Clickfunnels membership.

You may find out that it’s the missing piece to your business too.

I encourage you to give Clickfunnels a try.

And Russell Bruson has some cool books that I order and quickly read.

Most of the reviews on Amazon are 4 or 5 Stars.

You can get them here for Free plus shipping making it $7.95 for everything.

The books I recommend Are Below:

Funnel Hacker Cookbook

This was an essential book that teaches you how to use a funnel that is designed for you and your business. Learn how to build the perfect sales funnel.

It’s a quick read and a book you will want to reference for all of the insights it offers.

Copywriting Secrets

You can find my review of copywriting secrets here.

The reason this book is recommend is that it teaches you sales copy.

If you already know how to create sales funnels the next and probably even more important step is to know what to say to grab the attention of your audience.

Your audience has a low attention span so you need to grab it fast.

There is a good article on this from Forbes that you can read here.

clickfunnels clone funnel


Now you know how to do clickfunnels clone funnel.

It’s easy and once you have done it a few times you will feel like a pro.

There are several uses for creating a Clickfunnels clone funnel.

Such as selling it, offering it as a reward, or keeping it for later.

Whatever the reason is for you we hope we have helped you better understand how to do it.

If you know of someone interested in Clickfunnels or needing help with cloning their funnels please share this with them.

And for more articles like this one on Clickfunnels clone funnel.

Check out the ones below…

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